Rajender Singh, a DPE of High School Shehjanabad, Ambala, is a tall man with a potbelly who was also the district teacher’s union leader. A good ingredient for taking a PE class is to demonstrate, give instructions and provide correctional feedback but what Rajenderji was doing was different and was not an ideal PE class by a teacher. He would give the ball to all 40 -50 students and ask them to play on their own. And sit under the tree or in a class and would barely bother him to get out of that chair.
What was making him stay in his chair was that he didn’t know about the new games and what to teach as well as how to manage a class of 50. Also, his physic was a barrier as he wasn’t able to run or move freely. Therefore doing 5-6 sessions with the teacher and making him demonstrate & understand the components of PE teacher he was fairly convinced to stand in the field with the students and conduct an organized session with the students.