It was the summer of 2018 and was a usual practice day for playing Frisbee for all students. But what wasn’t usual was boys passing the disc to girls or while selecting teams they would prefer not to have girls in their teams. Since the society around them made them learn that girls are weak, and while playing if they pass the discs to them they would not be able to catch-throw or play well ultimately their team would lose.
What made all this change was, that our educators decided to play opposite each other. And when the game started girls & boys were playing quite well and when the game ended it was a result to the boys that made the boys reflect on their actions.
As girls were short in height, they were passing the disc under the arms of boys and while defending girls were very easily able to tap the discs as they were throwing underarm. Other than that, girls were able to move & rotate the disc faster and with minimum faults. This made boys learn how each student whether girl or boy, if they are a learning student, can be an asset when it’s a team game therefore we need to embrace what we have and play together while we respect the differences.