ELMS Sports Foundation

ELMS Sports Foundation trains B.Ed students in Mizoram in Physical Literacy

ELMS Sports Foundation conducted a five-days workshop in Mizoram, for 45 B.Ed. Second Semester students for the students of Mizoram University. The Workshop was organised within the University Campus. ELMS team of experts included Dr. Amit Malik, Pankaj Markandey, Sindhu Sree, Sruti Raju, Ankita Jain and Alfiya Shaikh.

The Workshop focused on Physical Literacy In Schools: Cross-Curricular Implementation. The workshop covered however philosophical topics on Human Values – Why I am doing what I am doing. It also delved both into the basics and advanced topics about Physical Literacy relating to Sports Science and Psychology. At the workshop ELMS experts also conducted a session on Lesson and Curriculum Planning — a unique session with emphasis on critical thinking, practical experience, creative explorations to make classrooms.

A certificate distribution ceremony was held at the end of the workshop. The closing ceremony also included taking feedback through online feedback forms. All the participants rated the sessions as “excellent”, and some of the words they used to describe it included; innovative, inspiring, fun, meaningful and motivating.